Life, Men, Relationships, Women

Women Cheat Too

I get to work early some mornings and I like to catch up on news and interesting articles that I don’t  get a chance to read days prior. This morning I came across an article titled “Love Tips from Mistresses & Cheaters.” Despite the title, I thought it would have been an interesting read…NOT! It was so ridiculous; I wasn’t able to finish it.  I will never understand why people feel that only men cheat…and why it seems like the Damsel in Distress should do everything possible to prevent that from happening.  Women cheat too! BUT, I hardly ever read anything about that!

Oh, let me not even get into why SOME women feel it’s okay to date married men…that’s another topic reserved for another day.

So anyway, what about women and their needs and wants? Do those go out the window? Do those not matter? What the heck!? Based on an ABC news article from way back when, 21 percent of men admitted to cheating versus only 11 percent of women admitted to cheating. Ha! I couldn’t help but chuckle. So I decided to create my very own “Top 5 Reasons Why a Woman Would Cheat” and here it goes…

Top 5 Reasons Why a Woman Would Cheat

  1. Lack of Emotional Support: Women like to be heard and acknowledged. We are emotional beings and that’s just the reality of it. Men are ‘Logical’ (well some and certainly NOT all) but yes, women need emotional support. If we are going through something, we need to know that we are being supported and cared for. Don’t smother your lady, just be readily available when she needs you.
  2. The Man Cheated First: Ha! A woman scorned is nothing nice. She may forgive you for her own personal reasons, but she will never forget. To her, she has a ‘Get out of Jail Free Card” she will put it in her back pocket and whip it out when the opportunity arises.  She has to know in her core that you are sorry and won’t let that mess happen again. You have to build that trust with her again.
  3. No Appreciation: I’m a housekeeper (my own), mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, cook, counselor, taxi cab, shopper, full-time job worker, hairdresser, stylist and the list goes on. I may NOT be the bread-winner but I do everything else to make my house function as it should. When a woman is not appreciated for all that she does and the hard work goes unnoticed, she may seek appreciation elsewhere.
  4. Lack of Compliments: Tell your woman she’s beautiful – If you don’t, someone else will! She may already know that she’s beautiful, but it’s nice to hear it from her Man.
  5. Lack of Intimacy/Same Old Same Old… It’s always good to have something exciting going on in the bedroom as the same old boring routine gets OLD after a while. Show her that you’re still interested! Light some candles and tell her why you love her before you jump the guns (or her bones) Jeesh!

There are hundreds of reasons why one would cheat – do I agree with any of them, no-not really, but I do agree that marriage is based on TRUST and COMMUNICATION. Without those two key factors, you really have nothing.  If you feel you’re lacking something in your relationship, speak up! You also have to think about, “Is this decision that I’m about to make, worth risking my relationship and everything we’ve built together?” If the answer is “NO,” then put the work in to make your relationship work and reconsider what you’re about to get yourself into. If the answer is “YES,” then, well frankly, you gotta get out.

Some of these factors as to why a woman would cheat DO NOT apply to everyone of course.

What are your reasons for why one would cheat? I’m interested in knowing!

Oh, and if you think only 11 percent of women cheat, think again, those are only the ones that admitted to it.

