Kids, Life, Words to live by, Yummy Mummy

Fruitful Friday: Time Well Spent

“Children are great imitators. So give them something great to imitate.” – Anon.

Today the little one stayed home with me in light of Tropical Storm, Sandy. If you never told me a tropical storm was passing through… I would never have known.

Typically, my Fridays consist of me doing things around the house, as it’s my only day off that I have to myself…but today would be a little different. Dr. Phil always says that a child’s biggest role model is the same-sex parent and I never knew how true that was until my child was born. I do try my very best and have minor slip-ups on occasion (I’m only human you know) but I’m quickly reminded of my potty mouth when I hear, “Ooh mommy! That’s not nice.” Yikes.

Anyway, today was a chance for us to spend the day together, alone, so I attempted to make the best of it by distracting her with books, movies, TV etc. while I tried to clean my house and get caught up with my shows I’ve missed this week. Ha! Not!

No, that was definitely not the case, none of that was happening today. It was impossible for me to clean and I didn’t even think to watch the TV. Why? Because we did the following TOGETHER:

1. Played dress up

2. Had a tea party

3. Watched “The Little Mermaid.” This inspired her to want to dress up as the little mermaid

4. Play dress up again

5. Did each others hair

6. Rode the toy jeep throughout the house (old pic I had but you get the point)

7. Play dress up

8. Read some books

9. Had lunch (she successfully picked out each piece of broccoli I strategically placed in her food and said it hurt her stomach) LIES!

10. NAP (In which I took the time to write this post)

Today was not only an experience but a lesson learned. Time spent, should be time WELL spent. We had an awesome day despite the house looking like a tornado visited and I’m officially one week behind on my shows but it was all worth it. I love this little girl with all my heart and soul and wish everyday could be like today. Okay, I went a little far but you get it. I just wish we had more days like this together.

